Deletion of the orphan nuclear receptor COUP-TFII in uterus leads to placental deficiency

COUP-TFII (NR2F2), chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter–transcription factor II, is an orphan nuclear receptor of the steroid/thyroid hormone receptor superfamily. The Coup-tfII -null mutant mice die during the early embryonic development because of angiogenesis and heart defects. To analyze the physiological function of COUP-TFII during organogenesis, we used the cre/loxP system to conditionally inactivate COUP-TFII in the ovary and uterus. Homozygous adult female mutants with specific inactivation of the Coup-tfII gene in uterine stromal and smooth muscle cells have severely impaired placental formation, leading to miscarriage at days 10–12 of pregnancy. Deletion of the Coup-tfII gene resulted in an increase in trophoblast giant cell differentiation, a reduction of the spongiotrophoblast layer, and an absence of labyrinth formation causing an improper vascularization of the placenta. This study describes an important maternal role of COUP-TFII in regulating the placentation. The endometrial COUP-TFII might modulate the signaling between the uterus and the extraembryonic tissue for the proper formation of the placenta.