Effect of phosphate on oxygen-hemoglobin affinity, diphosphoglycerate and blood gases during recovery from diabetic ketoacidosis

The effects of intravenous phosphate administration on the hemoglobin-oxygen affinity, the 2,3 diphosphoglycerate level and blood gases were investigated in twenty severe diabetic patients with ketoacidosis in the intensive care unit. Ten received phosphate (mean total amount for each patient = 300 mEq) and the others did not. The only significant difference noted in all indices measured during the recovery period of eight days was seen to occur after 48 h; the P50 in vivo (Torr) was slightly higher in the group who received phosphate (22.5±1.6 vs 20.5±2.2) and for the Hill coefficient (2.4±0.2 vs 2.2±0.1). This drop in the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin may be useful in subjects at risk of hypoxia, for example those with cardiac or respiratory failure and justifies the use of phosphate in the first 48 h of treatment of patients with diabetic ketoacidosis.