The frequency-dependent conductivity σ(ω) and the mean-square displacement in time X2(t) in a one-dimensional lattice perturbed by random interruptions of nearest-neighbor transfer coupling are calculated exactly. At low frequencies the real and imaginary parts of σ(ω) vary as ω2 and ω, respectively, while saturating at constant values for ω. The solution also exhibits the disorder-induced transition from pure dc behavior in the ordered limit to ac behavior, with σ(0)=0, when disorder is present. The mean-square displacement, which is relevant to spectral diffusion and exciton migration in one-dimensional disordered systems, increases linearly at short times while rising as (λt)56exp[(32)(λt)13] towards a constant value at long times. The dependence of both σ(ω) and X2(t) on the disorder is also obtained in closed form. The above frequency dependence of σ(ω) might be observable in quasi-one-dimensional ionic or organic conductors with a sufficient concentration of large barrier defects producing interruptions.