Isolation of a Hibernation Inducing Trigger(s) From the Plasma of Hibernating Woodchucks

Plasma from hibernating woodchucks was desalted utilizing a hollow fiber device having a M. W. cut-off of 5, 000. This preparation was fractionated by isoelectric focusing (IEF) in a pH gradient extending from 3. 5 to 10. 0 resulting in protein components having isoelectric points (pis) of 4. 5, 5. 2, 5. 5, 6. 3, and 7. O. Fraction I (comprised of proteins having pis of 4. 5 and 5. 2) induced hibernation within 2 to 6 days in 8 out of 10 summer-active ground squirrels. Fraction II (pI 5. 5) and Fraction III (pi 6. 3 and 7. 0) failed to induce any summer hibernation in 10 animal test groups at identical sample concentrations. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of Fraction I indicated that albumin was a major constituent of this still heterogeneous preparation. Thus, in order to more clearly define the plasma locus of this hibernation inducing trigger(s) (HIT) molecule, whole plasma and/or Fraction I was fractionated by 3 distinct resolving techniques. These included sub-fractionation of Fraction I by isoelectric focusing utilizing a narrower pH gradient extending from 3. 5 to 6. 0, isotachophoresis of whole plasma and affinity chromatography of Fraction I and whole plasma. A total of 40 summer-active ground squirrels were injected and assayed for HIT activity with fractionated preparations derived by the three previously cited separation techniques. A total of 18 of these summer-active ground squirrels hibernated. However, a much more impressive figure is that 16 out of 21 animals hibernated when Injected with resolved hibernating plasma fractions in which albumin was the predominant plasma protein. A total of 8 control animals were injected with vehicle and none of these hibernated.