The wavenumber-frequency spectra of the kinetic energy of the zonal and meridional components of the motion at 200- and 500-mb levels in the tropics show that there exists a band of wave activities which is oriented from a region of low wavenumber, and frequencies to a region of high wavenumbers and low frequencies. This orientation is distinctly different from what is found at higher latitudes where the band extends from a region of low wavenumbers and frequencies to a region of high wavenumbers and negative frequencies. Abstract The wavenumber-frequency spectra of the kinetic energy of the zonal and meridional components of the motion at 200- and 500-mb levels in the tropics show that there exists a band of wave activities which is oriented from a region of low wavenumber, and frequencies to a region of high wavenumbers and low frequencies. This orientation is distinctly different from what is found at higher latitudes where the band extends from a region of low wavenumbers and frequencies to a region of high wavenumbers and negative frequencies.

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