Excavations at the Lower Palaeolithic site at East Farm, Barnham, Suffolk 1989–92

Preliminary results are presented from three seasons' work at the Lower Palaeolithic site at Barnham. The complex stratigraphy is described and a provisional interpretation given, which suggests that the archaeological deposits date to a warm phase after the Anglian (Middle Pleistocene) cold stage. A fauna1 assemblage from the deposits is described, providing an environmental and biostratigraphic context for the site. Further geochronological control is provided by amino acid ratios on shells from the sequence. Two flint assemblages have been excavated, the first consisting of flakes and cores, and the second including bifaces. These assemblages and their position in the British sequence are considered in terms of their stratigraphic context and their relationship to other Lower Palaeolithic assemblages in the British Isles.