Annual evapotranspiration from a watershed (ETws) is a function of annual precipitation (P) and fraction of the watershed covered by shrubs and trees (C). Other characteristics are not significant in explaining variance of ETws. A rational equation, ETws = (1‐C) ETg + CETst, wherein ETg is the ET of herbaceous cover and ETst is the ET of shrubs and trees, is proposed. The equation has been calibrated for ET and P in inches for the watershed of Lake Cachuma on the Santa Ynez River. This equation, ETmax = 2.14(1‐C)P0.647+ 4.53 C1.76 P0.68, is recommended for estimating maximum annual ET demand for conceptual models. Where C is not known, the upper limit of ET = f (P) may be approximated by use of 0.65 for C. The equation has been derived for large unmanaged watersheds. Applicability for evaluation of contemporary multiple purpose vegetation management should be determined by studies of the hydrology of small openings in shrub and tree cover.