Ascorbic Acid, Riboflavin, and Thiamin Content of Strawberries during Postharvest Handling

California and Florida strawberries from wholesale and retail stores in the greater New York area were analyzed for ascorbic acid (AA), riboflavin, and thiamin upon arrival. Retail samples also were analyzed after 3 days of simulated consumer storage at 5.5° and 90% RH. Locally-grown New Jersey strawberries were analyzed the day of harvest and after 4 and 7 days of storage at 5.5°C and 90% RH. Levels of A A in California and Florida berries were, on average, 8 mg/100 g fresh weight lower in wholesale than in retail samples. The average AA content of New Jersey berries was 31 mg/100 g fresh weight less than combined values of berries from California and Florida. Riboflavin levels in all samples were about 80% less than reported in standard nutrient tables. Thiamin was higher than reported in standard tables.