Polarized ion source development at IUCF

The IUCF high intensity polarized ion source (HIPIOS) has been completed and installed in the 600 kV terminal. The design was originally based on the source in operation at TUNL, which employs cold (∼30 K) atomic beam technology and an electron cyclotron resonance ionizer. Development of the reliability and intensity of the atomic beam source will be described. An atomic beam flux of 5.0×1016 atoms/sec is estimated to be incident on the ECR ionizer. Preliminary testing of a multiple grid, high conductance, extraction system on the ECR ionizer has resulted in an extracted current of 500 μA attributable to the atomic beam, as measured 30 cm downstream of the ECR ionizer. After a mass analysis magnet, 245 μA are measured with a normalized emittance of 0.78 π‐mm‐mrad.

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