Other Presentations PANEL· Literary Criticism: A Reality In Elementary Classrooms (Literary Criticism K-6) An official programme of the ChLA committee on Literary Criticism in the Classroom. Glenna Sloan, Missouri Western State College Joan Glazer, Rhode Island College Peter Roop, Appleton, Wisconsin Richard Van Dongen, University of New Mexico PANEL· Many Books, Many Voices: A Panel on Canadian Children's Books Kathy Lowlnger, Executive Director of the Children's Book Centre Linda Sheppard, editor PANEL· Translating CuKures?/Tradulre une culture? Translating Canadian and Québec Children's Uterature/Tradulre la littérature enfantine du Canada et du Québec Barbara Godard, Professor and Translator, York University Marie-Andrée Clermont, translator Paule Daveluy, author editor and translator Frances Morgan, translator PANEL· Approaches to Narrative in International Children's Literature Peter Hunt, University of Wales, Cardiff Don Pemberton, Victoria College, Australia Rod McGiIMs, University of Calgary WORKSHOP: Bring Om Back Alive: Traditional Tales in Contemporary Classrooms Geoff Fox, University of Exeter WORKSHOP: Legends of Natural Phenomena in Folklore: The Cross-Cultural Aspects of the Pourquoi Tale Darwin L Henderson, University of Cincinnati Ellen M. Lynch, University of Cincinnati WORKSHOP: Never Too Young: Novel Study in the Early Elementary Grades Jon C. Stott, University of Alberta Christine Doyle Francis, Educational Consultant, Hartford, Connecticut Novels to be discussed: Fantastic Mr. Fox. Grade 1; Lost and Found. Grade 2; Ramona and Her Father. Grade 3 WORKSHOP: How to Select and Evaluate African and African-American Children's Literature Dr. E. Curtis Alexander, E.C.A. Associates, Chesapeake, Virginia WORKSHOP: Literature for Children and Young People in a Multi-Cultural Society Taimi M. Ranta, Illinois State University Laura E. Gowdy, Professor, Milner Library, Illinois State University WORKSHOP: The Quest, The Journey, The Return: Heroes and Wayfarers in Story. A storytelling presentation of how hero stories influence the lives of children and an inquiry into why they appear in every culture. Merna Ann Hecht, children's librarian, Seattle Public Library, freelance storyteller 116 ...

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