Hadronic spectral moments in semileptonicBdecays with a lepton energy cut

We compute the first two moments (sHmD2)1,2 of the final hadronic invariant mass in the inclusive decay BXclν¯, in the presence of a cut Elmin on the charged lepton energy. These moments may be measured directly by experiments at the Υ(4S) using the neutrino reconstruction technique, which requires such a cut. Measurement of these moments will place constraints on the nonperturbative parameters Λ¯ and λ1, which are relevant for extracting the quark masses mb and mc, as well as the CKM angle Vcb. We include terms of order αs2β0 and 1/mb3 in the operator product expansion, and use the latter to estimate the theoretical uncertainty in the extraction of Λ¯ and λ1.
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