Microglial cells in the brain of Pleurodeles waltl (urodela, salamandridae) after wallerian degeneration in the primary visual system using Bandeiraea simplicifolia isolectin B4‐cytochemistry

In the brain of the salamander Pleurodeles waltl, microglial cells were investigated cytochemically with isolectin B4 (IB4) of Bandeiraea simplicifolia after optic nerve transection and during subsequent regeneration. Double-labeling with an antibody directed against the glial fibrillary acidic protein of astrocytes revealed no immunoreactivity in microglial cells and confirmed the absence of non-radial, free astroglial cells in the tectum. After two days, IB4-labeled microglial cells began to populate the rostral parts of the primary visual system. The origin of these early vimentin-immunoreactive microglial cells seemed to be mainly IB4-labeled cells in a perivascular position and meningeal macrophages. After 12 days, microglial cells infiltrated the tectum in four layers: one in the ependyma, one in the outermost periventricular grey, and two in the degenerating visual neuropil where activated microglial cells displayed a ramified mor-phology. After 3 weeks, microglial cells accumulated within the degenerating neuropil while reducing their processes. After 7 weeks, the number of microglial cells was still increased on the affected side. The subarachnoid space above the neuropil where regenerating retinal afferents arrived was filled with IB4-labeled macrophages. Only very few microglial cells were seen in co-existence with Müller cells in the lesioned and intact retinae, whereas microglial cells and macrophages were IB4-labeled in the optic nerve head and at the ora serrata.