Putative calcium channel molecular weight determination by target size analysis

The molecular weight of the putative calcium channel in guinea-pig brain membranes, labelled with [3H]-nimodipine, has been determined in situ by target size analysis. Irradiation of guinea-pig brain membranes at 153–173 K with 10 MeV electrons reduced the density of [3H]-nimodipine binding sites without affecting the equilibrium dissociation constant. The decay of the calcium channel blocker binding site density as a function of radiation dose fits to a monoexponential function. Application of the target size theory gives a molecular weight of 185,000. [3H]-Flunitrazepam labelled benzodiazepine receptor target size was measured as an internal control. The molecular weight of the benzodiazepine receptors was 76,000, which is in good agreement with published results.