Influence Du Glucoside De Désoxycorticostérone Sur La Résorption Rénale Du Glucose

Summary According to Rusnyak, Földi and Szabo, the maximal capacity of renal tubules to reabsorb glucose ( (Tmg) is increased in dogs after an intravenous injection of a desoxycorticosterone glucoside (hydrosoluble Percorten Ciba). Our investigations, in man, bought about entirely different results. The deso-xycorticosterone glucoside, intravenously injected into ten patients decreased the maximal resorptive capacity for glucose of about 30 %. The glomerular filtration was not influenced. Five control experiments showed that the repeated intravenous injections of glucose used in these experiments did not change the maximal reabsorptive capacity of the tubules for glucose ; nor did in four controls, the acetamide glucose (used to solubilize the desoxycorticosterone glucoside). Whether the action of the desoxycorticosterone glucoside is due to its being a cortical hormone or a glucoside is open to question. The first interpretation would indicate the possibility of an adreno-cortical control of the renal tubular reabsorption. The second one would point to similarities in the effects of hydrosoluble percortene and those of phlorizin which also is a glucoside.

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