Isolation and Structure of Five New Cancer Cell Growth Inhibitory Bufadienolides from the Chinese Traditional Drug Ch'an Su

Five new bufadienolides, 3β-formyloxyresibufogenin (1), 19-oxobufalin (2), 19-oxodesacetylcinobufagin (3), 6α-hydroxycinobufagin (4), and 1β-hydroxybufalin (5), have been isolated together with the previously known bufadienolides 6−20 from the Chinese traditional drug “Ch'an Su”. The structures were elucidated employing spectroscopic methods. Bufadienolides 1−5 provided significant inhibitory activity against the KB and HL-60 cancer cell lines. In addition, bufadienolide 1 was found active against the MH-60 cancer cell line.