Simulation of Foxtail(Setaria viridisvar.robusta-alba, Setaria viridisvar.robusta-purpurea)Growth: The Development of SETSIM

We developed a model and subsequently simulated robust white foxtail (Setaria viridis var. robusta-alba Schreiber) or robust purple foxtail (Setaria viridis var. robusta-purpurea Schreiber) growth. SETSIM (SETaria SIMulation) uses the GASP IV simulation language which allows for both continuously changing variables and discrete events. GASP IV provides the necessary integrations and automatic time-stepping essential in simulation. SETSIM uses the materials-flow concept to simulate foxtail growth and development on a population basis. Carbohydrate flow among six compartments (leaf, stem, and root total nonstructural carbohydrate pools; leaf, stem, and root tissue) is governed by nine physiological rates. Each rate is dependent on the physiological state of the foxtail population and the environmental conditions prevailing. Simulation of carbohydrate flow in and out of each compartment results in the net growth of that compartment. By considering all six compartments simultaneously, the vegetative growth and development of a foxtail population can be simulated. Validation of SETSIM with field data recorded over a 2-yr period has shown that this simulator can accurately predict foxtail growth parameters such as dry matter accumulation, plant height, leaf area index, and leaf to stem ratio. SETSIM could serve as a framework for other weed models because of its modular structure. Such models can benefit weed science by predicting the active stage of weed growth, predicting whether a weed could become a problem under different climatic conditions, interfacing with existing crop models to predict yield and harvest restriction, pointing out gaps in our present knowledge in weed biology, and serving as teaching aids.