The link between respiratory capacity and changing metabolic demands during growth of northern pike, Esox lucius L.

The relationship between metabolic rate of pike (Y, mgO2) and body weight (X, g) over the range 40–1291 gat 15° C is of the form: Y=aXb. For resting metabolic rate (Vo2, rest), the scaling coefficient, b, is 0.80 and for maximum metabolic rate measured after exhaustive swimming (V02, max), b is 0.99. Factorial metabolic scope (V02, max/ V02, rest) increases with body weight. Peak postprandial oxygen consumption (V02, ASDA) is a constant multiple of V02 rest for any discrete meal (expressed as % of body weight) up to 10% body weight. V02ASDA after a single meal can utilize the entire metabolic scope (V02, max—V02, rest) of juvenile but not adult pike.