The Relative Intensities of Nebular Lines

It is proved rigorously for multipole radiation that the transition j=0j=0 cannot occur. The relative intensities of the lines of the multiplet P2D2 are calculated. They are in the ratio 3252:1232:3232:1252=10:5:2:1, approximately. This is not in agreement with experiment in that the weaker lines are not observed. The relative intensities of the intercombination lines comprising the multiplet D1P3 are calculated, using in part the Darwin-Pauli theory of the spinning election as applied by Houston to the study of intercombination lines. The line D21P23 always is strongest according to the calculations, and the experiments confirm this. The line D21P13 is about half as strong, which also checks experiment. The intensity of D21P03 varies, however, from zero to a value of the same order of magnitude as that of D21P13. This is in disagreement with experiment in that the line is not observed. This is the same sort of disagreement as for the multiplet P2D2. It is concluded that Bowen's hypothesis, attributing the emission of the "forbidden" nebular lines to quadrupole radiation, is substantiated to some extent, but not fully. The discrepancies between theory and experiment may arise from the simplifying assumptions introduced.