Light microscopy of the medial wall of the cerebral cortex of the lizard Psammodromus algirus

The telencephalic medial wall of the lizard Psammodromus algirus was studied using Golgi and conventional light microscopic techniques. The area is formed by two different cytological fields—medial cortex and dorsomedial cortex. These two cortices possess three layers dorsoventrally: a superficial plexiform layer, a cellular layer, and a deep plexiform layer. The alveus, a deep fiber system, runs adjacent to the ependyma. Four classes of neurons are found in the cellular layer of the medial cortex on the basis of soma shape, dendritic pattern, and position in the layer: horizontal, double pyramidal, and candelabra cells. Solitary cells are present in the superficial and deep plexiform layers of the medial cortex. Those of the superficial plexiform layer are stellate cells. Horizontal and vertical cells are found in the deep plexiform layer. Double pyramidal cells are the most frequently impregnated in the cellular layer of the dorsomedial cortex. In addition, candelabra cells are present at the lateral end of the layer. Two cell types are found in the deep plexiform layer of the dorsomedial cortex: solitary pyramidal cells and, among the fibers of the alveus, horizontal cells. Ependymal tanycytes line the ventricular surface, and protoplasmic astrocytes are found in the plexiform layers of both medial and dorsomedial cortices.