High-dose follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) ovarian stimulation in low-responder patients for in vitro fertilization

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) was used in high doses (6 ampoules/day:6FSH) for ovarian hyperstimulation for in vitro fertilization in women with a previous voor response to stimulation with the equivalent of “4FSH.” Luteinizing hormone levels did not differ between stimulations, but both FSH and estradiol levels were higher in the 6FSH compared to the 4FSH cycle. There were fewer cancellations in the 6FSH cycle, but similar numbers of preovulatory oocytes were retrieved, fertilized, and transferred. The pregnancy rates per attempt and retrieval were higher in the 6FSH cycle. We conclude that raising and maintaining FSH levels during stimulation in low responders reduced cancellations and may improve in vitro fertilization outcome.