Contacts between horizontal and bipolar cells are described in the retina of the teleost Eugerres plumieri. A single, long expansion observed in the external cone horizontal cells makes contact by means of a terminal button with the cell body of a bipolar. It represents the only contact between this class of horizontal cell and the bipolar soma. On the other hand, the medial and internal cone horizontal cells and the rod horizontal cells, which lack such a single, long expansion, display instead numerous short and fine expansions that terminate by means of a terminal knob on a bipolar cell body. The bipolar‐destined, short expansions of the rod horizontal cell make contact with large bipolar cell bodies, whereas corresponding short expansions of cone horizontal cells contact small bipolar cell bodies. It is suggested that the ascending horizontal cell process forms presynaptic terminals in the photoreceptor triad complex, and that the single, long and the multiple, short bipolar‐destined expansions are postsynaptic to the bipolar cell body.