In the usual analyses of transistor action various assumptions are frequently made; for example, that space charge neutrality exists in the base region, that pn junctions are depleted of mobile carriers, that minority carrier densities next to reverse biased junctions arc near zero, etc. It is shown that none of these assumptions is strictly valid. A now examination of the problem, in which those assumptions are put in better perspective, leads to: (a) a complete, partially numerical, analysis of abrupt pn junctions in equilibrium showing the spatial distribution of holes, electrons and field; (6) a qualitative discussion of these distributions when current is flowing; (c) a revised expression for the small signal capacitance of abrupt pn junctions; (d) a now space-charge-neutral solution for the complex current gain of transistors (this is compared with Shockley's solution). Finally a preliminary numerical solution of the carrier and field distribution in a collector junction, under conditions of reverse bias and large reverse current, is shown.

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