We have studied a model of bipolaron (negative-U) centers and magnetic impurities which includes a repulsive on-site Coulomb interaction as well as a coupling of the electronic on-site energy to the displacement amplitude of a local phonon mode. By means of a generalized Schrieffer-Wolff transformation, we derive an effective strong-coupling (or weak-hybridization) Hamiltonian for the low-lying states of the system. In the case of a bipolaron center (where the phonon-mediated on-site attraction dominates over the Coulomb repulsion), the effective Hamiltonian describes conduction-electron scattering and electron-pair tunneling processes between the localized impurity orbital and the conduction band of the metallic host. In the limit of very strong electron-phonon coupling, the pair tunneling matrix elements become exponentially small, whereas conduction electron scattering is suppressed only algebraically. The impurity orbital occupation number is then almost ‘‘frozen in’’ and the bipolaron center becomes inefficient in enhancing the superconducting pairing correlations of the host. In the case of a magnetic impurity (with a predominant repulsive Coulomb interaction), the effective Hamiltonian reduces to the form of an ordinary Kondo spin-exchange model. The spin-exchange coupling constants are not affected by the presence of the electron-phonon interaction.