By applying a theorem of Kuroda, we prove the existence and continuous completeness of the generalized wave operators W±(H2, H1), W±(H1, H2), where W±(Hj, Hi) = s — limeiHjte−iHit × Pi, in the Hilbert space L2(R3). Pi is the projection operator on the subspace of absolute continuity of Hi. H1 is the self‐adjoint Hamiltonian for a particle in a pure Coulomb potential Vc = ze2/|x|, and H2 is the self‐adjoint Hamiltonian for a system described by the potential function Vc + V, where V is a real‐valued, measurable function of x ε R3, spherically symmetric [V(x) = V(r = |x|)], satisfies the condition 0Rr2|V(r)|2dr+0(1+r)δ|V(r)|idr<∞ for some R(0 ≤ R < ∞), some 0 < δ < 1 with i = 1, 2, and is continuous except at r = 0. In conjunction with our result, we obtain a bound for the radial Coulomb Green's function. Dropping the continuity assumption on V, we have absolutely continuous completeness of the wave operators.