Methods are suggested for the realization of multistage amplifier networks containing negative resistances. These methods are exact synthesis procedures which are based on reverse predistortion, both uniform and nonuniform. They thus realize a specified function of frequency-its magnitude, its phase, and its constant multiplier. The methods apply to the realization of tunnel-diode amplifiers if the equivalent circuit of a tunnel diode is considered to be a parallel connection of the junction transition capacitance and a negative resistance. They can be used to realize cascaded maser amplifiers if the equivalent circuit of a maser amplifier is taken to be a parallel connection of an inductance, a capacitance, and a negative resistance, or a series connection of these three elements. The methods used automatically provide for the stability of the multistage active networks. The straightforward technique of predistorting the complete system function may for some applications require too many active elements. Simple modifications of this technique are given which allow a control over the position in the network, the time constants, and the required number of the active elements.