Both the clotting and esterase activities of thrombin are inhibited by α1-proteinase inhibitor (α1-antitrypsin). The inhibition is a time-and temperature-dependent reaction which is proportional to the molar ratio of thrombin to inhibitor. Both the active-site serine residue of thrombin and the reactive-site lysine residue of α1-proteinase inhibitor are involved. α1-Proteinase inhibitor forms a 1:1 complex with thrombin that is comparable with the complex formed with trypsin and other proteinases. Incubation of the inhibitor with excess of thrombin, however, results in inactivation of nearly all the enzyme, even though only as much complex is formed as α1-proteinase inhibitor present. A portion of the remaining thrombin apparently aggregates. These results suggest that the mechanism for inhibition of thrombin may not be exactly the same as for trypsin, which is inhibited only to the extent to which complex is formed.