Number-Conserving Approximations for the Theory of the Pairing Interaction in Nuclei. II

A previous study of the pairing interaction Hamiltonian by means of the equations of motion is extended. In the prior note, ground-state and single-quasiparticle properties were treated by an approximation method which was strictly particle conserving. According to the general theory, further improvement of the ground-state energies and single-particle occupation probabilities requires information about excited states of seniority zero and unity. A nonlinear, number-conserving random-phase approximation is developed for this purpose. Numerical calculations are carried out in a linearized version which is almost equivalent to the usual quasi-boson approximation. As part of the approximation, the conservation-of-particles condition is relaxed for the excited states. Results of the numerical study establish the consistency of the assumptions made and yield improved ground-state and single-particle properties. By comparison with the few models for which exact numerical results are available, the results of this paper are seen to be comparable with or superior to those of other improved approximation methods so far reported, especially so as the number of particles increases. Finally, it is pointed out that just as the results of the previous paper provide the input data for the present work, the results reported here can serve in like manner for more elaborate approximations, which are proposed.