Computed tomography of cavernous sinus diseases

We retrospectively analyzed CT scans of 21 cavernous sinus lesions in an attempt to discover CT findings helpful to the differential diagnosis. With the integration of various CT observations it was possible to categorize the lesions into inflammatory, vascular, benign neoplastic and malignant metastatic lesions with few exceptions. Four of 5 cases of septic cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis revealed unilateral or bilateral multiple irregular filling defects in the enhancing cavernous sinus with or without orbital inflammatory change. Four of 5 cases of carotid-cavernous fistula demonstrated unilateral or bilateral diffuse bulging and homogeneous enhancement of the cavernous sinus with obliteration of normal low densities of cranial nerves and gasserian ganglion. Dilatation and tortuosity of superior ophthalmic vein were also associated. Four of 5 cases of benign neoplastic lesion showed well-circumscribed enhancing masses confined to the cavernous sinus with pressure erosion or hyperostosis of adjacent bone. Five of 6 cases of malignant metastatic lesion showed changes suggesting malignancy such as destruction of adjacent bone or associated manifestations of intracranial spread. As compared with the axial scan, coronal scans proved to be more sensitive in detection of subtle cavernous sinus expansion, and superior in evaluation of intracavernous neural structures, relationships with the pituitary gland and changes in the skull base. Axial scans, however, were superior in detection of associated orbital and intracranial abnormalities. Scans in both projections are needed in the evaluation of most cavernous sinus diseases.