Tasmanites, the correct name for Pachysphaera (Prasinophyceae, Pterospermataceae)

Summary: Boalch, G. T. & Guy‐Ohlson, D.: Tasmanites, the correct name for Pachysphaera (Prasinophyceae, Pterospermataceae). — Taxon 41: 529–531. 1992. — ISSN 0040‐0262.Results from current comparative morphological studies of both the phycoma and motile stages of fossil and modern Prasinophyceae indicate generic identity between the fossil Tasmanites E. Newton and the modern Pachysphaera Ostenfeld. According to Article 58 of the International code of botanical nomenclature, names of fossil taxa yield priority to names of non‐fossil taxa, but with algae excepted. Thus Tasmanites is the correct name for the taxon currently known as Pachysphaera.