Clinical characterization of non-small-cell lung cancer tumors showing neuroendocrine differentiation features.

In most cases of small-cell lung carcinomas (SCLC) phenotypic features compatible with a neuroendocrine differentiation status can be identified by monoclonal (MOC) antibody-based immunohistological procedures. Similar features can be recognized only in a minority of non-SCLC tumors. During a period of 30 months, all diagnostic non-SCLC biopsies (141 cases) were prospectively analysed for the presence of markers indicative for neuroendocrine differentiation. In 31% of all cases, such a presence could be noticed. Neuroendocrine differentiation (50% to 100% positive-staining tumor cells) was recognized more frequently in adenocarcinoma when compared to large-cell and squamous-cell carcinoma (chi 2 = 9.31, 2 degrees of freedom, P less than 0.01). To investigate whether the clinical behavior of these "neuroendocrine" non-SCLC cases mimics SCLC, a multivariate analysis for prognostic factors was performed. Among other prognostic factors, biopsies containing more than 50% positive-staining tumor cells with the MOC antibody-1 (MOC-1) were recognized as negative prognostic factors.