Measurements of the branching fractions of chargedBdecays toK±ππ±final states

We present results of searches for B-meson decays to K+ππ+ with the BABAR detector. With a data sample of 61.6×106 BB¯ pairs, we measure the branching fractions and 90% confidence-level upper limits averaged over charge-conjugate states (the first error is statistical and the second is systematic): B[B+K*0(892)π+]=(15.5±1.84.0+1.5)×106, B[B+f0(980)K+,f0π+π]=(9.2±1.22.6+2.1)×106, B[B+D¯0π+,D¯0K+π]=(184.6±3.2±9.7)×106, B[B+ρ0(770)K+]<6.2×106 and B[B+K+ππ+nonresonant]<17×106.