Lattice dynamics ofβ-(silver iodide) by neutron scattering

The dispersion relation for the normal modes of vibration in hexagonal βAgI has been determined at 160 K along three principal symmetry directions from coherent neutron inelastic scattering data using a triple-axis spectrometer. The most interesting feature is the observation of a very-low-lying dispersionless TO mode which is almost decoupled from the other vibrations. The frequencies have been fitted by a valence-shell model, and a satisfactory agreement was obtained with four short-range parameters, a variable ionic charge, and mechanical and electrical polarizabilities for both ions. A frequency distribution function has been computed, together with the lattice heat capacity and the mean-square ionic displacement for each ion. The temperature dependence of the theoretical values compares well with the relevant experiments. Finally, the model is extended and the lattice vibrations of γAgI and αAgI are discussed.

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