Conversion of Big Endothelin Isopeptides to Mature Endothelin Isopeptides by Cultured Bovine Endothelial Cells

Summary: Both the soluble and membrane fractions prepared from cultured bovine endothelial cells (ECs) possessed the converting activities to metabolize big endothelin-1 (big ET-1) to endothelin-1 (ET-I) at neutral pH. Metal chelators inhibited the activities of both fractions, whereas phosphoramidon, a metalloprotease inhibitor, strongly inhibited only the activity of the membrane fraction. Phosphoramidon reduced the secretion of ET-1 and concomitantly enhanced the release of big ET-1 from cultured ECs. The incubations of big ET-1, big ET-2, and big ET-3 with cultured ECs resulted in their conversions to mature ETs. Phosphoramidon also abolished these conversions. These results indicate that vascular endothelium can convert not only endogenous big ET-1 but also exogenous big ET isopeptides to their mature ETs through a phosphoramidon -sensitive neutral metalloprotease.

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