High‐Temperature Flow Behavior of Ceramic Suspensions

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of temperature and solids loading on the viscosity of two nonaqueous ceramic suspensions. In this article, the viscosity of Al2O3 suspensions with 5%–50% solids loading and hydroxyapatite suspensions with a solids loading of 5%–40% were measured at temperatures of 25°, 45°, 65°, and 75°C. The high‐shear Newtonian viscosity at various temperatures was reduced to a single curve by the reduced viscosity and the temperature‐adjusted solids volume fraction of the suspensions. The Krieger–Dougherty model, with the intrinsic viscosity corrected for particle geometry, was fitted to the data and was observed to provide a satisfactory description to the solids‐loading–viscosity data for both suspensions.