Lifetimes of the 2893- and 3464-keV levels ofAr40

The recoil-distance method has been used in conjunction with the Al27(O18, pα)Ar40 and Cl37(α, p)Ar40 reactions to measure mean lifetimes of 4.2±2.0 and 930±50 ps for the Ar40 2893- and 3464-keV levels, respectively. The excitation energies of these two levels were deduced to be 2892.60±0.11 and 3464.48±0.13 keV, respectively. The 3464-keV level is assigned Jπ=6+ on the basis of the lifetime, the γ-ray angular distribution, and previous Ar38(t, p)Ar40 results. The E2 transition strengths of the Ar40 0+-2+-4+-6+ ground-state band are compared to those of Ca42 and to shell-model calculations.