Four inbred (Wf9, Hy2, B10, and 38–11) plus three hybrid (Wf9 × 38.11, US13, and B10 × Hy2) corn (Zea mays) seedling strains (minus seed coat and endosperm) were assayed for total and free myoinositol content, using a mutant inositol-less strain o Neurospora crassa. Over a 120-h germination period, it was found that the concentration of total myoinositol decreased in both of the respective varieties. The inbred corn seedling strains, assayed in this study, appear to demonstrate a lower decrease in total myoinositol than do the hybrids, over the same 120-h germination period. Concomitantly, the hybrid strains have a higher percentage increase in free myoinositol than do the inbred varieties, over the same germination time period. The hybrid corn seedling strains appear to have a greater capacity to mediate the metabolism of total to free myoinositol, during the early stages of germination, compared to the inbred varieties.