Empirical Models for Zoobenthic Biomass in Lakes

Estimates of macrozoobenthos from the literature were regressed against a series of limnological variables to yield empirical models for zoobenthic biomass in the profundal, sublittoral, and littoral zones of lakes. Variables indicative of phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll concentration, total phosphorus concentration, and Secchi disk transparency) explained between 14 and 57% of the variance of zoobenthic biomass ((g/m2)0.1). Other factors such as humic colour, morphometry (slope, mean depth, ratio of mean to maximum depth, and lake area), and mean annual air temperature substantially increased the amount of explained variance. In the profundal and sublittoral zones, the best models explain 70% of the variance in zoobenthic biomass. Littoral zone models explained less than 50%, and this deficiency was attributed to sampling difficulties and to high local variability of slope and wave exposure in the littoral zone.