Microscopie Pathology of the Gray Collie Syndrome; Cyclic Neutropenia, Amyloidosis, Enteritis, and Bone Necrosis

Microscopie changes in tissues of 8 dogs with the gray collie syndrome (GCS) and in 5 related non-gray dogs were described. Three of the GCS dogs died as neonates, 2 as puppies, and 3 (treated clinically) as adults. Clinical signs of disease were abnormal hair pigmentation, cyclic neutropenia, diarrhea, lameness, and chronic ulceration of oral and genital mucosa. Lesions included lymphoid atrophy, amyloidosis, enteritis, aseptic bone necrosis, and acute and chronic purulent inflammation of several organs. Abnormalities in serum included decreased albumin and increased γ- and α-globulin. Electron microscopy of the spleen revealed amyloid fibers deposited chiefly at the periphery of the splenic follicles and within the central artery. Tissues from non-gray related dogs were normal except for laminar malacia of the motor areas of the cerebral cortex in 3 of these dogs which probably resulted from ischemia due to epileptiform seizures.