Advanced control of glutathione fermentation process

A study was performed to understand the fermentation process for production of glutathione fermentation (GSH) with an improved strain of baker's yeast. Simultaneous utilization of sugar and ethanol has been found to be a key factor in the industrial process to produce GSH using Saccharomyces cerevisiae KY6186. Based on this observation, the optimal sugar feed profile for the fed-batch operation has been determined. A feedforward/feedback control system was developed to regulate the sugar feed rate so as to maximize GSH production yields. Using the feedforward/feedback control system and the on-line data of oxygen and ethanol concentration in exhaust gas, the successful scaleup to the production level was accomplished. An average of 40% improvement of glutathione production compared to a conventionally programmed control of exponential fed-batch operation was found in the new process. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.