Douthwaite, R. 3. 1976. Fishing techniques and foods of the Pied Kingfisher on Lake Victoria in Uganda. Ostrich 47: 153–160. Pied Kingfishers fish by diving from hovering flight or from perches; the choice is influenced by location of the prey and the weather, especially wind speed. 40–50% of the dives into Lake Victoria were successful compared with 11% on the Kazinga Channel, near Lake Edward, but dives were made more frequently in the latter area. Analysis of pellets from the northern shore of Lake Victoria showed the bulk of the adults' diet was composed of Haplochromis, 55–108 mm (median 80 mm) total length, but that Engraulicypris urgenteus. 40–64 mm (median 52 mm) total length was more important numerically. Flying termites, Macrotermes sp., were occasionally eaten in large numbers. Size selection related to development determines the proportions of Huplochromis and Engraulicypris in the chick's diet. by comparison with the adult most bone consumed by the chick is digested. Two caged juveniles ate about 34.5 g of fresh fish daily, 45% of their post-absorptive weights. Wild birds may consume even more.