Procedures available for controlling infectious diseases in rapidly mobilized troops are: examination of registrants for incipient or latent tuberculosis, syphilis, and other diseases which men may have when enlisted; immunization against smallpox, the typhoid fevers, tetanus, and yellow fever, with extension of individual prophylaxis under specific circumstances against diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles, and possibly against influenza; avoidance of sudden geographic shifts during seasons of high incidence of certain diseases, such as pneumonia; maintenance of hygienic regimen with special emphasis on fortification with vitamins; avoidance of excessive fatigue and exposure during the hardening period; continuous supervision of water supplies and food; using pasteurized milk exclusively; giving careful attention to spacing of beds in squad rooms and hospitals and to ventilation with a thorough and open-minded trial of radiant disinfection of the air under controlled military conditions.

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