Effects of Parathyroid Hormone on the Accumulation of Cyclic AMP in Bone of Vitamin D-Deficient Rats

The mechanism of skeletal refractorinessto parathyroid hormone (PTH) in vitaminD-deficient animals was studied in terms of theadenylate eyclase-cyclic AMP system in rat calvaria.In vitamin D-deficient, thyroparathyroidectomizedrats, plasma calcium concentration wasnot elevated by iv administration of PTH, whileresponsiveness to the hormone was recoveredwithin 24 h after a single dose (2.5 μg) of vitaminD3. In spite of the remarkable dependency ofPTH on vitamin D for mobilization of calciumfrom bone, PTH stimulated adenylate cyclase activityin particulate bone cell fractions in vitro.PTH also enhanced the levels of cyclic AMPin the skeletal tissues of vitamin D-deficient ratsin vivo and in vitro to an extent similar to thosefound in rats given 2.5 μg of D3. Administrationof theophylline or dibutyryl cyclic AMP tothe vitamin D-deficient rats did not cause anysignificant hypercalcemic effects, while these drugsenhanced plasma calcium concentration significantlyin the rats given vitamin D3. These data stronglyindicate that the cause of the skeletal refractorinessto PTH in vitamin D-deficient animals isnot a defective activation of adenylate cyclase,but must be related to a later step or steps inthe biochemical events leading to bone cell activation. (Endocrinology97: 1288, 1975)

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