The GuidAge study

Background: Preventive approaches in the field of Alzheimer disease (AD) is important but these trials raise many questions. Which protective factor should be studied? What population should be studied? With which principal and secondary criteria? We present here the design of the ongoing GuidAge Study. In the past, several studies suggest that Ginkgo biloba could have a potential benefit effect on cognitive function. The aim of the GuidAge Study is to evaluate the efficacy of 240 mg/d of EGb 761® in the prevention of AD. Methods: GuidAge is a 5-year double-blind randomized trial conducted in France by a private practice/hospital network of general practitioners and hospital practitioners specializing in memory disorders. This study enrolled elderly subjects with spontaneous memory complaint and the primary outcome is the incidence of AD during a 5 years follow-up period. A total of 2854 subjects were enrolled between March 2002 and September 2004. The age of the study population was 76.8 ± 4.4 with mean MMSE at entry 27.8 ± 1.7. Conclusion: The GuidAge study is the largest study carried out in Europe on the prevention of AD. Final results should be available in 2010.