On relative timing in substorm onset signatures

We investigate the timing of popular substorm onset signatures to understand their temporal relationship. Proxies for substorm onsets include auroral breakups, high‐latitude magnetic bays, low‐latitude Pi2 bursts, dispersionless injections at geostationary orbits, and auroral kilometric radiation. We use the auroral breakup, identified with Polar UVI images, as a common reference time frame to calibrate the others. Results, illustrated by two well‐defined auroral substorms, unambiguously indicate that none of the four frequently used substorm onset proxies can provide a consistent timing of substorm onset. This inconsistency in substorm onset timing is attributed as a consequence of temporal and spatial limitations on each observational technique. A delay between the proxy identifiers and the auroral breakup is found to be typical. It is therefore strongly suggested from this study result that a common reference time frame for substorm onset is necessary, and we propose it should be auroral breakups. We argue that there is a need for an intercalibration of magnetospheric substorm phenomenology by using a unified definition of the substorm onset.