The distribution of dopamine immunoreactivity in the forebrain and midbrain of the lizard Gekko gecko: An immunohistochemical study with antibodies against dopamine

The distribution of dopamine (DA) immunoreactivity in the forebrain and the midbrain of the lizard Gekko gecko was studied by using recently developed antibodies against DA. Dopamine-containing cells were found around the glomeruli of the olfactory bulb, in several parts of the periventricular hypothalamic nucleus, in the periventricular organ, the ependymal wall of the infundibular recess, the lateral hypothalamic area and the pretectal posterodorsal nucleus of the diencephalon, and in the ventral tegmental area, the substantia nigra, and the presumed reptilian equivalent of the mammalian A8 cell group of the mesencephalon. Dopaminergic fibers and terminals were observed throughout the whole brain, but particularly in the diencephalon and the telencephalon. The nucleus accumbens appears to have the most dense innervation, but also the striatum, amygdaloid complex, olfactory tubercle, septum, and dorsal ventricular ridge (especially its superficial zone) show numerous DA-containing fibers and terminals. Except for the lateral cortex, cortical areas are not densely innervated by DA fibers. In several respects DA distribution in the gekkonid brain differs from that in other reptiles studied. For instance, in the Gekko the dorsal ventricular ridge is densely innervated by DA fibers, whereas in turtles and crocodiles the same structure shows only weak catecholaminergic histofluorescence. When compared to the distribution of DA immunoreactivity in mammals, it appers that the DA system in the gekkonid telencephalon resembles the distribution of DA in the limbic forebrain and striatum of mammals. Whether these similarities in distribution of DA also imply similarities in function will be discussed.