Volcanic ash soil sample with carbon content of 10.4%, C/N:16.3, obtained from grassland was analyzed for the determination of component sugars in two-step hydrolysates by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Experiments were repeated four times to evaluate the whole process of acid hydrolysis of soil and determination of carbohydrates by HPLC using an apparatus with an anion exchange column (Shimadzu ISA-07/S2504), chemical reaction box and fluorescence spectrophotometer which was originally developed by Kato and Kinoshita. Glucose, galactose, mannose, xylose were separated and arabinose, fructose, fucose were eluted in the same peak. Rhamnose and ribose were also eluted together in the same peak. This method is considered to be applicable for the determination of component sugars in soil hydrolysates. Key Words: HPLC, soil carbohydrate, volcanic ash soil, fluorescence spectroscopy.