Auditory Evoked Frequency Following Responses in Man

A sound-evoked sinusoidal response was recorded from the temporal scalp area in six humans. This evoked signal is similar in its characteristics to (and may correspond with) the "frequency-following response" of Worden and Marsh recorded on the scalp in man by Moushegian and colleagues. The site of origin of the response recorded in these subjects is not known, but it is of interest that the response was localized to the temporal aspect of the scalp, and that the influence of arousal state on response amplitude paralleled the described effects of changes in arousal state on the primary auditory cortical evoked response. This technique may allow for the direct measurement of auditory thresholds across the frequency domain. This is possible because measured responses can be obtained at sound levels of the order of 15 to 20 dB across the frequency range from 300 to 2,500 Hz.

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