Ultraviolet Light Therapy

Previously available ultraviolet light emitters have been "point," or small-area, sources. These require four to six exposures, averaging three to five minutes each, to irradiate the entire body evenly. Hence, a single generalized ultraviolet irradiation treatment keeps a room and a supervising nurse (or doctor) occupied for 20 to 30 minutes. This article is written for the following purposes: To describe an ultraviolet cabinet, especially designed to give generalized, head-to-toe ultraviolet irradiation in a single exposure, with a minimum of supervision, and in minimum elapsed time (i. e., 2 minutes vs. 20 minutes) To discuss the technique of use of this cabinet To discuss the results and complications after four years' experience using the cabinet To provide detailed instructions for the reproduction of the cabinet To record the characteristics of a new ultraviolet light source (a 48-in.-long, tubular fluorescent lamp used in

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