FRIDGE: an interactive code generation environment for HW/SW codesign

A f - I 0 3 7 Digital mobile systems are sensitive to power consumption, chip size and costs. Therefore they are realized using fi- xed-point architectures, either dedicated HW or fixed-point processors. On the other hand, system design starts from a floating-point description. These requirements have been the motivation for FRIDGE ', a design environment for the specification, evaluation and implementation of fixed-point systems. FRIDGE offers a seamless design flow from a floa- ting-point description to a fixed-point implementation. Wit- hin this paper we focus on the FRIDGE-concept of an inter- active, automated transformation of floating-point programs written in ANSI-C into fixed-point specifications, based on an interpolative approach. Since HW and SW implementa- tions of the same functionality in general require different fixed-point specifications, the design time reductions that can be achieved by using FRIDGE make it a key component for an efficient HW/SW-CoDesign. code g.mratton L ,/architecture

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