On quantum and parallel transport in a Hilbert bundle over spacetime

We study the Hilbert bundle description of stochastic quantum mechanics in curved spacetime developed by Prugovecki, which gives a powerful new framework for exploring the quantum mechanical propagation of states in curved spacetime. We concentrate on the quantum transport law in the bundle, specifically on the information which can be obtained from the flat space limit. We give a detailed proof that quantum transport coincides with parallel transport in the bundle in this limit, confirming statements of Prugovecki. Furthermore, we show that the quantum-geometric propagator in curved spacetime proposed by Prugovecki, yielding a Feynman path integral-like formula involving integrations over intermediate phase-space variables, is Poincaré gauge-covariant (i.e. is gauge-invariant except for transformations at the endpoints of the path) provided the integration measure is interpreted as a `contact point measure' in the soldered stochastic phase-space bundle raised over curved spacetime.

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